Born and raised on the estate, Duncan felt that a lot of locals thought Christianity was for prim and proper people. So he started doing outreach on the estate to communicate that Jesus died for all kinds of people. Around the same time Duncan and his wife Shay started the Youth Inclusion Project and were reaching out to young people on the estate mainly through music and mentoring. Duncan and Shay started a bible study in their living room, which then became an event in a shop front called Gospel Nite, and as more young people showed an interest in Jesus, the church was started in 2005.
The church has seen many changes over the years as people have moved away from the area, and new people have joined, but one consistent thing is the sense of family at New Life, and the desire to show God’s love to everyone, especially those at the margins of society.
Leadership Team

Duncan Forbes is the pastor and was born and raised on the estate. He loves DJ-ing, producing music, photography, cooking and going in nature with his wife Shay and four children. He has a disability called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.
Duncan has a Doctorate in Theology and Urban Mission from Westminster Theological Seminary (Doctor of Ministry), and a degree in Theological and Pastoral studies from Oak Hill College (BA hons).

Esther Kloppel has lived in Nigeria, Germany, and now Roehampton. She is a mother of two wonderful girls, and likes singing and sharing God’s word.

Lawrence Mason grew up in Nottingham, and now lives in Putney with his wife and son. He supports Liverpool, and likes food, music, reading and winding people up.

Temi Akinlade grew up in Lagos, and now lives in Roehampton with his wife and son. He enjoys music and loves to play the piano (he wouldn’t say this but we reckon he can play any song you can hum on the piano within seconds!).

Every month at members meetings, church members have an opportunity to share their opinion on church matters. Following on from these meetings, the leadership team meet and help the pastor (Duncan) to make wise decisions, as well as providing a level of accountability.There is also a board of trustees which includes the leadership team and a couple of others. The trustees ensure that the church is functioning properly in regards to its aims, and in accordance with the Charity Commission. Once a month, the church treasurer announces at church what the financial income and outgoings are, and a copy of the church accounts are made available to the church members each year.
We want New Life to be a safe place for all people, especially for children and vulnerable adults, so we take safeguarding very seriously. The church safeguarding co-ordinator is Shay Forbes and the additional recruiter is Esther Kloppel, please contact them at newliferoehampton@googlemail.com.
If you believe that a child or vulnerable adult could be in immediate danger, please call the police immediately.
We also want you to be aware of the following helplines should you need them:
- NSPCC – 0808 800 5000
- Childline – 0800 1111
- Stop It Now – 0808 1000 900
- NAPAC – 0808 801 0331
- Samaritans – 116 123
- Family Lives – 0808 800 2222
- National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000 247
- Action on Elder Abuse – 0808 800 8141